Jake Jack

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 245 lbs.
Hometown: Manitoba, Wisconsin
Trademarks: Claw, Knee Lift, Sledge
Finisher: Wood Chopper (tag team finisher)
Memorable Fueds: None
Famous Quote: "....I'm Jake"
Claims: Tag team with his brother John Jack to form the Lumberjacks

Jake Jack is the goofy brother of John Jack of The Lumberjacks and brings to the ring explosive energy that blindsides their opponents. His child like mind, induced by the wrong end of an axe head, keeps the mood light at ring side. He and his brother John have little wrestling under their belts, but Jake has worked a place into our hearts and has people across the nation screaming, "I'm Jake." Most recently, Jake captured his first piece of gold and oddly enough it wasn't the Tag Team Championship, but the King of the World championship. No doubt, the KotW Championship will never be the same again.