Height: 6'9"Weight: 350 lbs.
Hometown: Naboo
Trademarks: The Obi-Wan Kenobi
Finisher: The Imperial Slam
Memorable Fueds: The Rebel Alliance
Famous Quote: "If you only knew the power of the Darkside!"
Claims: A really high midichlorian count
There is much that is unknown about Darkside and his early years, but what we do know is that he arrived here in the shortest lived, but powerful stable in the BWF: VoC and that is The Ministry. He found himself teamed up with evil, hellish creatures like Cannibal Conniver, Damien, and The Reaper. After The Ministry fell apart, he did the most unexpected thing he could do. Darkside teamed up with GE-Unit. Upon closer inspection it was realized that he had, in fact, worked at Giant Eagle during his teenage years, before being consumed by the "the darkside of the force." He arrived at the peak of GE-Unit's strength during Season 5 and still lingers in Season 6 as GE-Unit lies on its death bed. Many long to see Darkside return to his early days of destruction and domination and wonder why he stands by Stockboy Willy.